
mic shock

Mic shock

Sep 22, 2014

All voice actors have experienced "Mic shock", you have read the script, and get prepared for the session to go in a certain direction, but the client changes things up.

freedoms at risk

Internet freedoms at risk

Sep 15, 2014

The many freedoms we experience on the internet are at risk, and the way commerce is conducted over the web is being seriously threatened. We recently received this open letter from Main Street, an advocacy group that believes in limited government, individual liberties, fiscal responsibility, and the power of the free market, along with EBay, who also own Paypal and Stub Hub.  Check out what they have to say here.

Female vs Male voiceovers

Female vs Male voiceovers

Aug 28, 2014

You want to make sure your project makes an impact on your target audience, so choosing the right voice is critical. At InternetJock we often get asked what are the main criteria for choosing the right talent. Of course there will be a certain tone, and tempo you want to capture, but how do you choose between a male or female voice?